Here’s What People Are Saying About Why Failure Is Important…

3 min readMay 3, 2022

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston Churchill.

Why Failure is Important to Success

There are two schools of thought when it comes to success and failure, and they are diametrically opposed to one another. The first camp believes that success results from avoiding failure at all costs, while the second thinks that only those who fail are able to succeed. The truth lies somewhere in between the two extremes. While it’s important to think positively, you shouldn’t ignore negative things either, because they can provide valuable insight into how you need to improve yourself and your business strategy.

You can’t learn without failing
We learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. Entrepreneurs are always learning, which means they will always be failing. As an entrepreneur, you have to embrace failure because it’s an unavoidable part of your journey. You can either ignore it or use it as a way to grow and become better at what you do. The key is to not let fear get in your way — you can’t succeed if you don’t try. If that means taking risks, then take them! If that means jumping into uncharted territory, then jump! You may fail — and when you do, pick yourself up and try again. It takes courage and perseverance to succeed as an entrepreneur; without these qualities, success will elude you every time.

Having goals requires failure
While you may not be actively trying to fail, there’s a good chance that you’re setting yourself up for failure. You have a goal, a job, or business you want to achieve — that’s great! But are your goals too lofty? Make sure your goals are specific and realistically attainable, so you don’t end up in failure mode with an inferior product or idea.

The drive to succeed keeps you moving forward
When you’re in business for yourself, there’s no one telling you that today you must sit down and write a marketing plan. There’s no boss telling you what steps to take on your next product launch or client pitch.

No risk, no reward
Don’t be afraid of taking risks. In order to succeed, you must keep trying new things and testing your limits. If you don’t, how will you ever know what works for you? The key, however, is not doing anything that threatens your safety or livelihood. If a risk put either in jeopardy (or make it difficult for you to return home one night), don’t take it!

Embrace your inner child
One of life’s biggest lessons is learning how to take risks. If you’re serious about growing as a person and an entrepreneur, there will be moments in your career where you feel like quitting, questioning your abilities, or thinking it just won’t work out. But think back to when you were a kid and ask yourself: Did you know everything? No way! That was why it was so exciting! Every day was a new opportunity, with endless possibilities for enjoyment.

We don’t know what we don’t know
It’s hard for anyone (especially young entrepreneurs) to take a comprehensive inventory of their skills. However, it’s essential you know where your weaknesses lie if you want to succeed in business. Rather than brush over areas that need work, tackle them head-on. Remember, everyone starts somewhere — so don’t be afraid of asking questions or admitting what you don’t know!

Do the best you can do right now — and then try again tomorrow!
Ever heard of Newton’s Law? It goes something like, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It means that for every step you take forward, sometimes it feels like you take one or two steps back. Or three steps back. We all know that in life we require balance and being a little flexible goes a long way. If your goal today was to lose 5 pounds (2.27 kg) but at weigh-in only lost 2 pounds, then tomorrow try again with a new mindset! You can do it! Be kind to yourself and remember that failure happens — don’t beat yourself up over it. Learn from your mistakes, move on and do better next time. You got this!

